
Friday, June 18, 2010

Do you like having canned drink?

If yes, please read below! Got a mail saying about a lady died because of Leptospirosis. Upon investigation, it is found that the can of the cola she drank was infected by dried rat urine and hence the disease Leptospirosis. This could have happened while storing it in warehouse. Not sure whether the story is true, but still looks quite possible.

Even though not all cans are prone to such issues, still it can carry lot of germs and bacteria on the covers, since it’s is being stocked in warehouses and goes directly to shops without being cleaned. So wash them with water or wipe with a wet cloth before putting them to the mouth to avoid any kind of infections.

Precaution is better than cure.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I fear I would miserably fail in any discussion or presentation?

I have this fear that if I make up for any discussion or presentation, I would fail to execute well. Very much true!

When I have to make a presentation, my attendees would definitely find themselves not comfortable to sit for more than few minutes. They can easily get distracted. They may even start to think when this is going to end. They being a person with background knowledge about the subject may find my flaws easily. They may interrupt to clarify and end up not being satisfied with my response. Very much true!

In case of discussion, no one would be ready to show much interest on what I have got to say. All others would have vast expertise. Even though I have some good point, they will see how well it would fit into their requirement. It may not be the way I think it to be. They can easily put me and my idea down in few minutes of cross questioning. Very much true!

I wonder how I can really sort it out. I think I have a keyword to tackle it down. That’s preparation.

I need to prepare to understand what I have to say
I need to prepare to respond to what others say
I need to prepare to gain confidence
I need to prepare to get control over audience
I need to prepare to impress the questioner
I need to prepare to inspire the attendees
I need to prepare to handle the situation
I need to prepare to tackle down uncertainty
I need to prepare to value others time
I need to prepare to value my time
Above all, I need to prepare to not fail.
Very much true!

Preparation is a key for successful presentation or discussion. I believe if I prepare well I can perform exceptionally well. Preparation need not be just preparing for some topic, as told earlier it is also towards being prepared with plan for handling the situation and to tackle uncertainty effectively. I have the key and I’m well aware of it. I can throw away the fear that I had, initially. Very much true!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Windows 7: api-ms-win-core DLLs

There are some new set of DLLs brought in Windows 7 which actually calls the some of the well known core DLLs like Kernel32.dll, user32.dll, GDI32.dll etc…

The API’s exported from the above dlls were considered to be Win32 API’s. The new set of DLLs with the prefix 'api-ms-win-core', 'api-ms-win-service' and 'api-ms-win-security' were brought in Windows 7 to categories relevant APIs into one dll.

For example,
* File related APIs were grouped into api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll
* Registry related API’s are into api-ms-win-core-localregistry-l1-1-0.dll
* Thread APIs are now into api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll

In fact the API names have not changed. So this may not trouble existing window programmers (if any :).

Source: Click here